
Matilda O.o

On the 5th of August, after my talk with Radhika, i was walking through the junior school library. To my surprise and delight, I saw the 2nd standard kids sitting in front of the TV and watching MATILDA! It made my day to see these little kids laugh everytime Matilda gave her teacher a hard time with her pranks and tricks. The librarian told me she usually made them watch animated movies, but once in a while they were allowed to view such films as well. She said they'd become serious when the teacher tortured Matilda, but extremely happy when it happened otherwise. They loved any tit-for-tat scenes:)It was amazing to see the racket the kids created when the movie was being turned off mid way, because it was time for lunch break. Several kids ran up to the teacher and tried to convince her to turn it back on, while some ran out, and some reacted in their own way(maybe or maybe not because of the movie itself)threw themselves on each other.

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