I was in Tokyo for a little over than a week and it was amazing!I got the chance to visit some really great art shows,galleries and museums. Everything from the presentation, content, space was wonderful!And i absolutely loved the museum shops.
First i went to the 2121 design sight museum.

This exhibition introduced new pieces, which leverage interactive devices and cutting-edge technologies, and existing pieces which reveal a theme “intrinsic attributes of ourselves.” Through a number of hands-on exhibits, a blend of scientific technologies and art works by designers and artists both in Japan and overseas, the exhibition aimed to create an opportunity for the visitors to identify their undeniable “self.”
Individuality and identity are something that you take for granted in designs and making things. The goal of the exhibition was to search for a new perspective on what makes us “us” with the visitors.
Here's some of the best ones from the exhibit.
When we entered the exhibit, before entering the main hall we had to give out some of our personal information. For this, i entered a booth which took my height, weight, pupil recognition and my name.
Pool of fingerprints- this was my favorite installation.There was a bright white ,low table top screen.We were required to press our thumb onto a device which took the impression. Then the impression showed up on the screen.This thumb print began to swim, and i followed it until it entered a large pool of living thumb prints that other visitors had previously created. I was also told that something amazing would happen if i made a another impression on the device with the same thumb. When i did this, my thumb print(which had got lost amongst the others)came swimming back to where it started of. This indicates the lost and found identity of self.There was something truly amazing to watch my own little sperm-like fingerprint swim in a see of other fingerprints.
The nominal divide-This was another interesting one. This had 3 questions to be answered which had 2 choices each(1 door for each choice).There was a camera that would recognize me and interpret/misinterpret the information and open the 'right' door. The first question was 'girl' or 'boy'. I stood at girl and it opened the gate and let me through. Second question was 'below 30' or 'above 30'.I went to the gate that said below 30 and it opened the 'above 30' gate instead, and let me through. The next question was 'smiling' or 'not smiling'. I stood at smiling, and after a while it let me through.
Outline to go-There was a screen that i stood close to. It recognized my silhouette and etched it on the screen. There was a rope hanging there which i had to pull. As i pulled it, the outline of my body on the screen got erased little by little. When i pulled the rope to its fullest and let it erase my entire outline, it told me the measurement of my silhouette.
There was a peephole to look through. It then processed several names on the screen and flashed my name eventually.
Peeping hole-There was another peephole to look through. I was looking at an image inside. People passing by could view what i was viewing. As my eyes moved towards the different parts of the picture, it projected those parts of the image on the outside wall.
information on the artists/designers: