
Sensing Nature,Mori art museum

I visited the Sensing Nature exhibition at Mori art museum in Roppongi hills.
'sensing nature', an exhibition which rethinks the japanese perception of nature,
with interpretations of the subject made by takashi kuribayashi, taro shinoda and tokujin yoshioka. the three japanese artists / designers give abstract or symbolic expression to immaterial or amorphous concepts as well as natural phenomenon such as snow, water, wind, light, stars, mountains, waterfalls and forests. Their ideas of nature suggest that it is not something that is to be contrasted with the human world, but that it is something that incorporates all life-forms, including human beings. the exhibition consisted of newly commissioned works by each of the three artists, each attempting to stimulate our sense of nature through large-scale installations.

Tokujin Yoshioka
Tokujin yoshioka's project 'snow' is a dynamic 15-meter-wide installation. It consists of a scene depicting hundreds of kilograms of light feathers blowing all over and falling down slowly which lets the visitors experience the feeling of looking at or walking through a snowstorm.

other works on show by tokujin yoshioka hist pieces 'the light' and 'waterblock':
This was quite amazing!The waterblock is so clear that when it is placed in water it disappears. When it rains on this block, it is nearly impossible to differentiate between the rain and the crystal. Also, even tho its so long, one can see clearly from one end to the other without any distortion.


Shinoda Taro

Kuribayashi Takashi

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