
the story game

During a workshop with the prep kids at Mallya Aditi School, we played a little game with them. It was a game where we made chits with a sentence or a word on it, and the children would continue the story from there. And as they shouted different things, i put them all down as options. Some answers were really unexpected. It was an interesting experiment:)

1.There was once a boy and a girl. The boy’s name was Tom. He was 13 yrs old. He lived in the woods because__________
-he had a tree house

2.House was made of__________
-metal and bricks
-made a house out of wood and tied it on the tree
-can draw water from the well without coming down

3.What’s in his house?

4.He could make 3 wishes__________
-he wants a PSP
-He wanted a watch
-He wanted a new pillow

5.And then suddenly!__________
-he was chased by a fox,elephant

6.How did he escape?
-ran to a stranger
-took a ladder and climbed up the house

7.There came a monster. The name of the monster was__________

8.The moster was sad because__________
-he had big feet
-nobody was his friend
-lost his PSP

9.Then came a Magical animal__________

10.What magical powers did the dragon have?
-it could fly
-throw smoke
-hop on one leg

11.The boy took out a weapon__________
-Whats a weapon

12.The little girl was really happy. When she drank the magic potion__________
-she had special powers to fight
-to run fast
-to cook fast
-after few days wont it get over?
-she could break a spoon
-change her body colors
-a dress that can change colors
-She could change into different monsters

13.They also had a pet. The name of the pet was__________
-Ben 10

14.Spike could__________
-make ribbons
-dig very fast
-if he digs fast, he can find a golden bone
-could disguise himself as a creature
-go on a magic escalator(like tom going to heaven on magic escalator in Tom & Jerry)

15.They wanted to save__________
-their lives
-mother and father
-animals that were in the woods

16.And then suddenly__________
-tiger and rhino came
-a spikey Leapord came
-wild animals came around the treehouse and tried to bite it

17.Even the witch came and planned to__________
-Destroy them
-put them in jail
-eat them decided to be their mother
-pretended she was good

18.And in the end__________
-witch ate them up
-witch became an eagle
-boy and girl sat in the car and went to the zoo
-boy and girl pushed the witch down and and the animals ate her
-parrot carried the witch and flew away
-and then full stop

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